2012 ,我还在写,*like。
在我生日当天,在那一页写了给自己的祝福语,更放心丝去decorate 了一下。对这本日记越来越有好感了,常常翻开它做记录,也会把心情写下去,什么鬼活动的笔记,心得,和分享都会记。每晚睡前写这日记簿,好像变成了跟它说晚安的一种习惯。人人都说写日记是良好习惯,不错不错。
眨眼来到2012 年底了,已经很少很少去记了。不过上星期,突然拿来了包书纸把日记簿包好好。你肯定认为我此举动少根茎,可这是我对日记簿一种爱和尊重的表示。(本人很爱把书本包美美哦)。
哈咯!!! 2013 !!! :)
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
冠冕上写着: “我为和平而战争” 。
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Who Do You Say He Is?
Here I am back in Ipoh. Wanna celebrate Christmas with my family.
I went for my church annual Christmas concert. Theme "Who Do You Say He Is?"
On the way to church, my mom told me that there is one song that she not dare to put in all feeling while singing it. If she do so, she will start to tear and hardly can sing out any more.
The name of the song : Power Of The Cross.
One sentence of the lyric that touch me is..."My name is written in His wound"...
The "His" is refering to Jesus. He suffered for mankind so that my name can stand forgiveness infront of the cross.
In our daily life, we often searching for something or someone who is true and give almost all of his/her to you. Can be our friends, family, or partner.We do our best to love them as much as they love us. We dont want to disappoint them and if we did we feel sad because we have broke their heart.
However, when come to Christ, He has given all he has and he is for us.He loves us more than anything... Yet many people turn themselves from Him, not feeling sad or doubting are they disappointing Him, not loving Him as much as he loves us. It's time to reflect about this.
For my name's sake blood was shed from Christ. Lord, I dont deserve you. I dont deserve your blood, your pain, your sacrifice...and your love. But truly You did these for us, the unworthy man. How an amazing grace it is.
One more song which I like to share is a chinese song: 神的道路 ( The Path Of God )
Its lyric says: ...神造万物各按其时,耐心等待必要欢呼。( Lord made everything beautiful in its time. Wait patiently and you shall rejoice. )...
Man always want things to be settled as fast as possible, especially in this tension new era. We continuously looking ways to upgrade our performance using our own wisdom. We want to control everything in our hand according to our own will.
Not saying that it is wrong to work hard to make our life better and just wait things drop from the sky. We need to work hard, not using our own wisdom, but by the faith and the wisdom of God. If things does not end in the way you want after you have did all you can, just hand it to God in prayer. He made everything beautifu in its time. He knows what the does not suits you, what is best for you, and what is yours but just not the time yet. If you hand these to Him, trust Him and wait patiently. You will find peace and comfort by doing so. At the end, you shall rejoice over whatever result it is because what he planned is the best for you.
Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. God bless You.
I went for my church annual Christmas concert. Theme "Who Do You Say He Is?"
On the way to church, my mom told me that there is one song that she not dare to put in all feeling while singing it. If she do so, she will start to tear and hardly can sing out any more.
The name of the song : Power Of The Cross.
One sentence of the lyric that touch me is..."My name is written in His wound"...
The "His" is refering to Jesus. He suffered for mankind so that my name can stand forgiveness infront of the cross.
In our daily life, we often searching for something or someone who is true and give almost all of his/her to you. Can be our friends, family, or partner.We do our best to love them as much as they love us. We dont want to disappoint them and if we did we feel sad because we have broke their heart.
However, when come to Christ, He has given all he has and he is for us.He loves us more than anything... Yet many people turn themselves from Him, not feeling sad or doubting are they disappointing Him, not loving Him as much as he loves us. It's time to reflect about this.
For my name's sake blood was shed from Christ. Lord, I dont deserve you. I dont deserve your blood, your pain, your sacrifice...and your love. But truly You did these for us, the unworthy man. How an amazing grace it is.
One more song which I like to share is a chinese song: 神的道路 ( The Path Of God )
Its lyric says: ...神造万物各按其时,耐心等待必要欢呼。( Lord made everything beautiful in its time. Wait patiently and you shall rejoice. )...
Man always want things to be settled as fast as possible, especially in this tension new era. We continuously looking ways to upgrade our performance using our own wisdom. We want to control everything in our hand according to our own will.
Not saying that it is wrong to work hard to make our life better and just wait things drop from the sky. We need to work hard, not using our own wisdom, but by the faith and the wisdom of God. If things does not end in the way you want after you have did all you can, just hand it to God in prayer. He made everything beautifu in its time. He knows what the does not suits you, what is best for you, and what is yours but just not the time yet. If you hand these to Him, trust Him and wait patiently. You will find peace and comfort by doing so. At the end, you shall rejoice over whatever result it is because what he planned is the best for you.
Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. God bless You.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
3.142 的生涯
Of Pi。 跟这部戏,可能是缘分啦,因为我本来是吵着死都要看
Twilight 的,可是没票了,emo。。。不过,朋友听说Life
Of Pi 这部戏好看又有深度,虽然多人看不明啦。我最爱看有深度的戏了,而且还是李安导演,就看这套吧。这部戏的视觉效果非常让人惊叹,超美哦(尤其是jelly
fish 还有吃人岛那两part),拍摄技术也是一流,整体来讲也不愧是大导演和一级棒团队的作品。
如果你也看了这部电影就会懂,在医院,Pi先向日本记者讲第一个故事,日本记者觉得他讲的很荒谬,结果他就讲了第二个故事。Pi把整个求生记发生在与动物们的情节套在这四个人身上,重新讲一次。当时戏院里有一部分的观众都在笑,包括我。我笑,因为觉得Pi是无奈记者不接受他与动物们奇幻的求生记,就迎合他们的口味,编一个由人上演现实一点的给他们。 看完电影后,那种久久在心里不散的感觉,真的难以形容。有不舍,感叹,怜悯,悲伤,喜悦。。。只是有点小遗憾,难道大家口中这部戏的所谓深度,就不过如此?
post, 是一个网民对这部戏的影评。读完后,我的呼吸好像停止了,再次陷入那种心里汹涌却词穷的感觉。芝欣,你的理解能力就不过如此?原来,第二个故事,才是真的!!!这篇剖解有如真相般盖了我一巴掌。哦~~~太玄了~~~我在此分享了这篇
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